Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Lillie's souper weight loss plan

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Would you like to whip up a quick pot of soup on your kitchen stove… and use it to lose all the weight you want to lose?

You can do it… using only a few inexpensive grocery items you get from your nearest super market!

This writer recently interviewed Lillie Ross, a Mississippi grandmother who seems to have discovered some golden keys to weight loss.

Lillie's latest book, "Souper Weight Loss Secrets," not only shows you how to lose 9 - 17 pounds next week… but also how to use the soup recipe to keep on losing weight until you reach your weight loss goal. Lose 45 lbs. or more and keep it off… while you eat the foods you like… and never get hungry, or crave anything.

Lillie tells us, "There are only two 'common sense' ways to lose weight: A. Consume less calories than you burn… or B. Burn more calories than you take in." Lillie's weight loss plan uses both tactics to help you slim down quickly… all with absolutely no strenuous exercise." (a 30 minute walk three times a week certainly speeds up your weight loss)

1. Lillie shows you easy ways to get your brain to trick your tummy into feeling full and satisfied on much less food. 2. She reveals delicious foods that actually burn more calories being digested than they add to your system. 3. Lillie also shows you little-known ways to increase your metabolism to burn more calories naturally.

Lillie gets hundreds of emails, cards and letters raving about the great results people have had from her weight loss plan. She calls them her "fan mail" and tries to answer each individually.

Lillie showed us boxes upon boxes of her "fan mail," many with dramatic "before and after" photos. We chose a few at random that tell her story much better than we could.

"As of today I have lost 105 lbs. and am still losing. It has been a little over a year since I started with you and I have gone from a size 3XXX to a 14. Thanks Lillie!"Arlene S. - internet49.com

"I did it!!! I lost 10 pounds and I feel great!!! Thank you and your soup recipe!!! I have a wedding to go to today and I know all my friends are going to say, 'what have you done to yourself.'" Elena A. - yahoo.com

"I lost l9 pounds! Before I was 148 lbs., now 129 lbs. I am now where I want to be and it is wonderful to be able to wear my smaller clothes I had saved. I also feel much better and have more energy. My husband and daughter tell me I look better too." Sybil H. - California

 Hi Lillie, As you can see above I was a real slob when I got your book. I went from a size 18 to a 7-Junior in just 10 months. It was really easy once I got started. As you said... no hunger, no pills, no drugs. Thank You, Thank You Lillie! Ashley Carter - Monroe, Georgia.

"I am excited to say I have lost 9 pounds. My daughter gets married in three weeks and now my beautiful outfit fits just right!" Sharen M.. - Australia

"Lillie, I completed my seventh day today and am happy to tell you as of this morning I was down seven lbs. I like the idea of being able to use regular items from my grocery store, without all the hoopla of the other diets." Angelina - aol.com

"I lost 12 pounds on your soup diet. My eating habits have changed forever. It is so very easy to follow this diet plan." Sincerely, D...

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