Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Green home building - all you need to know about green building - books, videos & webinar training

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Thanks for being interested!  I've always loved the idea of building super efficient homes that fit in their environment.  These days whether you believe in global warming or not (I do) our country is faced with fighting for more and more of a smaller and smaller piece of the energy pie.  Did you know the United States - with about 5% of the world's population - uses about 25% of all the energy!  And guess whose energy requirements doubled from 10 to 20% of that pie?  Chindia (that's China & India).  Think about that ... it's a phenomenal global shift that will affect our lives dramatically.

Our buildings use almost half of all our energy!!!  It doesn't take Einstein to figure out it's time to make some changes.  The USA is way behind Germany, Japan and even China in our Green Building.

But it's not so easy!  We can't even figure out how to stop using incandescent bulbs much less make our homes Green !

We also offer premium content including our "Sessions" series of in depth, videos, webinars about Green Home Building - if you want to really expand your knowledge join us :

Check out this series of short videos on how you can Green your home.  What's your Goal this year ?  25% reduction in Energy usage? 50% ??  Better health? Want to save the Oceans? the Planet? or just feel better about doing your part?

NOTE: We will never share, rent, or sell your name or email to anyone else. Your privacy is safe with us.

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